Is a group of highly experiencedvalue educators with 5 to 15 years of experience. The organization registered under society Act in 2016. Mr. Mahesha KC is the founder of this Organization.He is the one who did intervention with kids nurture excellence in them. Hence the main objective of the organization is community Development, it started working with children, parents and teachers on values, life skills and learning. The use of a continuous process is to clarify vision, values and learning contributes towards evolutionary excellence from a young age. The trust addresses educational functionaries, students and the parent community with thoughtfully designed programs. TIME for CHANGE has a dedicated team of individuals who are well-trained and have rich grass-root experience as well.
Parent’s workshops include celebration
with schools for being and trusting the
school since so many years. So basically it
will be 4 hours sessions where they will be
part of activities, energizers. Here parents
will get chance to explore their creativity,
their emotions and their child mind.
Through this workshop parents will be
closer to the school than before. And we
can meet the same parents once in
6months and based on the plan and we can
also work with parents for the development of the school.
· To see a group of community believe
and trust young people strengths and their dreams as well as on them
· To see a parents and schools working
together for children’s career towards academic and non academic .
· To see a community itself work for
community development voluntarily through SHG's
Inspiring community members including schools to realize their dreams trough positive and
effective actions